
Who We Are

We are the Rochester Area Homeschoolers Association (RAHA).  Our member families practice child-led learning and unschooling, giving the child a greater role in deciding how much and what to learn . This is distinctly different from replicating the school experience at home.

We encourage people to travel as far as they desire along a path that chooses curiosity, wonder, and choice as the basis for exploration and learning; one that empowers children in the discovery and practice of their uniqueness, while shedding traditions such as rigid timetables, conformity, curricula, age-appropriateness, and standardized testing.

RAHA is one of the oldest homeschooling groups in Rochester, and one of the only homeschooling advocacy groups of New York State without religious affiliations.

Our membership gathers together for philosophical rather than religious reasons and therefore welcomes families of all backgrounds who share our vision.

What We Provide

A Central Place to Connect and Organize Events

RAHA provides a network for members to communicate using the Mighty Networks platform. Members are encouraged to share their observations, expertise, opinions, experiences, and resources, and ask questions of other members. Events can be scheduled by any member. The network also has many topics that people find useful as they explore homeschooling.


Every year, RAHA organizes several picnics for the membership to meet and enjoy each other’s company. During these meetings we also provide small conferences for people to discuss topics that relate to homeschooling.


We are one of the only groups that advocates for child-led learning or “unschooling”. We have a long standing relationship with the many different districts in the area. We have directly supported families in many ways ranging from helping with paperwork and testing. We have offered guidance locally and at the state level regarding homeschooling legislation.